01 December - Flyout menu

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

SelfGuide should be intuitive, as users mostly go to SelfGuide when they need help or want to learn and should not struggle at that moment, that's just frustrating. A good looking and attractive design helps to make an application intuitive. That's why we further invest in the UX, this time by introducing a new menu for navigation. Read more about this and other changes below.

Flyout menu

We are exited about the new menu, not really a change adding new functionality but a big improvement. The new menu used to navigate within SelfGuide has a lot of advantages, like:

  • More descriptive when opened
  • Less distractive when closed
  • The active item is visible but not too much and also inline with the new active item styling
  • A home button to make it more intuitive to return to the home window

Hide and show step in a context menu

The button to hide and show a step within an instruction is moved to a context menu on the step, see the screenshot below. From the step navigation pane, each step can be set to shown or hidden without the need to actually open the step. In upcoming releases, actions to remove and add steps will be added to the context menu too. Resulting in a context menu to work with the entire step and the action bar to change the internals of the open step.

Improved input validation and error handling

When something is not as it should be, the earlier you know the better. That's why we have improved the input validation and error handling in the Change password modal and within Settings when creating a new user. When the input is wrong, an error is shown directly below the input box. If an error happens when saving, an error will be shown inline with a descriptive message.

Application icon updates:

Icons have been added for the following applications:

  • AgroVision Mifas Online
  • Athlon
  • BCT Corsa
  • BergOp
  • Bizzdesign
  • Canon iW Enterprise Management Console
  • Centric DigEplan
  • CNSp DENS 3d
  • Compumedics CURRY
  • Compumedics HD Digital Video
  • Compumedics Profusion EEG
  • Compumedics Profusion neXus 360
  • Compumedics Profusion neXus LMS
  • Compumedics Profusion neXus Scheduler
  • Compumedics Profusion Sleep
  • Compumedics PErsyst
  • Compumedics Somté
  • De Jong & Laan
  • Debble
  • Engage Process
  • FullyInControl
  • Google Android
  • Huuskes
  • InfoGroen Bor-Vision
  • InfoGroen GroenVision
  • InfoGroen SW Enterprise
  • InfoGroen VisionConnect
  • InfoGroen VisionMobile
  • Kompas
  • Mediq
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Myneva
  • Printix
  • SmartBooqing
  • SmartBooqing SmartUBL
  • SmartBooqing SmartPeppol
  • ViaDAta Connect-It
  • VMware AirWatch
  • Wolters Kluwer Twinfield Boekhouden
  • Xelion


  • The save button could be enabled when working in an exercise while there where no actual changes
  • It was not possible to open an imported instruction as a user
  • A long instruction title broke the styling of a Course resulting in unreadable text