01 November - Submit feedback from back matter

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

For editors, feedback submitted by users is important to improve available instructions. Insight based on telemetry shows us that feedback is used sparingly. To increase the feedback usage, we have made the feedback button more prominent on the back matter. Read more about this and other changes below.

Submit feedback from the back matter

All users, including guests, can give feedback on instructions. Feedback should help editors in several manners like: align with the user needs; keep instructions up-to-date; and overall improve the quality. Submitting feedback is not done often by users, a fact we see in our telemetry data. To increase the usage of feedback, the feedback button has been added to the back matter.


  • Editors where unable to add exercises to a course
  • Change password modal for an admin could be saved while the two passwords did not match