12 July - Unsaved changes leaving SelfGuide

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

Earlier this year, we added the unsaved change behavior. Navigating within the product while unsaved changes are present shows a warning modal to the editor with the choice to save, cancel or discard. In this release, we extend this behavior so an editor also receives a warning when leaving SelfGuide. Read more about this change below.

Unsaved changes leaving SelfGuide

When editing content like an AWI, there is a risk changes are not saved when leaving SelfGuide. Example scenario's are closing the tab, opening a different URL in the same tab and closing the SelfGuide recorder. We invested time to warn the editor about the unsaved changes in such scenarios.

The behavior is different compared to the already known unsaved change modal. This difference is due to the fact the browser handles the unsaved change scenario when leaving SelfGuide, as developer there is less control over the user experience. Browsers supporting this feature will show the editor a notification with the choice to continue or cancel.

Note: to receive a notification in the SelfGuide Recorder, the latest version needs to be used.

Minor updates

  • A hover is added to the applications on the home window
  • The margin surrounding the action icon in the exercise answer is consistent
  • The alignment in the table header of the Add User modal for a Content Channel is fixed
  • In settings, the category names for content channels and content packs are more descriptive and consistent