27 June - Clickable application icons on the home window

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

Using SelfGuide to learn? Searching for AWIs about a specific application? We made this easier allowing the user to click an application icon on the home window. Clicking an such an application icon will open the AWI library with an active filter on the selected application. Read more about this change and other changes below:

Clickable application icons on the home window

Most users opening SelfGuide will see the Home window, containing the names of applications with available content. These icons are now clickable so a user can directly see the content for the selected application.

Rename Everyone content channel to Organization

The Everyone content channel is a default channel, used to make content available for all users. Working on the feature public access (see roadmap), we renamed the content channel to Organization so it better reflects the users assigned to this content channel.

Practice AWI (preview)

Learning by doing instead of reading, practicing after studying, improving the return on learning when using training content: a few use cases which have led to the practice mode. A feature that directly supports the digital skill growth of users.

In this release, the following functionality has changed:

  • In the AWI viewer, the button to practice the AWI is only shown when an Exercise is available for the opened AWI
  • Trying to open an AWI in practice mode using an URL? When the AWI does not exist or the AWI does not have an Exercise, an modal is shown to inform the user about this error
  • Based on early feedback, the answer text and visualization is improved as shown in the screenshot below:

Practice AWI is an upcoming feature and currently in preview. If you are interested and want to know more, feel free to contact gert.kienhuis@poldervalley.com.


  • In the Firefox browser, the crosshair was not shown when viewing an AWI
  • Hovering a step in the progress bar in the AWI viewer shows a preview for the step, the crosshair in the preview was not on the correct location